I hope you're enjoying your morning, afternoon, or evening, and you decide to hang out with me to learn more about a topic that most of us associate with less than pleasant issues, Life Insurance.
I choose to use life insurance; differently, I think life insurance can be used for wealth creation - as an asset tool. The goal of people like me is to minimize - minimize your premiums, which means the cost of insurance, and maximize cash value growth. If you want to know more about how life insurance works and what questions to ask when thinking about buying life insurance watch "What to Know About Life Insurance".
Now if you're here to get tips from The Finance Geek - here they are. I believe that to be able to coach you guys, I have to be using these methods on my finances, so I have an update on my journey and how I landed on my numbers. I've been working on this plan for myself for six months, and while I regularly update the YouTube crew on how...
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