Builder To Contributor LLC

Tools for Your Kingdom

To have a prosperous Kingdom, you need to have the right tools. We need tools to help us build, maintain, and grow our Kingdom. I'm going to show you the tools that I currently have, and then the tools that I'm looking to acquire as my business and Kingdom grow. This is part four in our Establishing Your Kingdom series, and it's been wonderful seeing the action people in the community have taken over the last month.

To start, you must know your finances. You need to know where every dollar goes. "How do I know where every dollar goes?" You look at your accounts. Open up your financial statement, check your balances, check your bank accounts, look. Make sure we know our 4 major numbers:

  • Income

  • Expenses

  • Debt

  • Cash Flow

Now, I'll hop off my soapbox and get into my list of tools I continue to use for my business that will help you and your business stay organized and move forward no matter where you are in your journey as an entrepreneur, startup business owner, mompreneur, or...

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